8:00am and im still lying on the hospital bed waiting for his arrival. It's going on 12 hours now since my first contraction, with no sleep and food i was exhausted. I was told by the nurse not to eat anything incase of emergency procedures, I was not happy jan. Physically weak and drained i could not sleep due to the stabbing pain in my stomach. Looking over to the side of my bed was Tommy nodding back and forth, tired and exhausted from staying up with me all night. All i could think about was FOOD. The lady with the food tray came and then was told that i was not able to eat, so she took the tray of food and went out of the room. In my head i was like "STOP HER! STOP HER NOW!" Tommy went out and scored me a tray. I had drink of OJ and immediately i felt sick to my stomach and it came back out... gross! Did we (Females) do something to offend the "God of gender" and appointed the birth process to females? Why not be like sea horses and do it that way? Well, that event caused me to push unconsciously which caused babyboy to come out. [I'm totally laughing at males who might be reading this... Don't worry i kept it G rated. lol] Before i knew it.. My precious little boy was born. The nurse was holding him with his chord still attached, his arms and legs stretched out and...... He's asleep?! No Wonder! Little man was taking his sweet time meeting his mama. They had to wake him just to make sure he was ok. Tommy was given the job of cutting his chord which was a really cool moment for him. The nurse put him on my chest, i was still in shock.. like, i knew i was having a baby but.. did i just have a baby? He held my finger in his palm, squeezing it, like it was as if he already knew me and loved me. That moment changed my life. I feel so blessed to have him in my life and i try everyday to say thank you by being the mother he deserves. I can't explain the depth of how i much i love this boy. All i can say is.. I feel sorry for his future girlfriends. :P

Happy birthday Keynai Cj Seumanutafa. Unconditional Love, Mum. x