2 in 1 | My Dad

I remember when i was about 5 or 6 years old living in the suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand. I remember my Mum waking me up when the sun will still asleep. I told her the day before to wake me up the next time she drops my dad off to work. I hardly ever saw my dad when i was little because he was always working and i wanted to see him, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. I dragged my blanket with me to the car to keep me warm. The air was so cold i could see my breath like a white smoke and the cold had made the windows fog up... but it was worth it just to spend that time with him, even if it was just dropping him off to work.

It was a difficult transition when my mother passed almost 14 years ago.. but the memory of her is still present as if she never left our side. I was very close to her, she was my Best Friend. Growing up was difficult in many ways but my dad was always there for me and my siblings. He rose to the occasion and became a 2 in 1 parent. He is our Mother and our Father. He married my mum when he was in his 40's, so to carry the burden of raising young children at his age was an amazing achievement.
He would wake us up for school, make breakfast, make our lunches, Drive us to school and pick us up. While he was home he would do the laundry, the garden, shopping, maintenance around the house and made sure there was dinner for us when we come home from school. We would attend church as a family every sunday and when we come home he would make us a special dinner to eat around the table. He did this every time without fail.

My dad is now 74 years young and still raising us.. counselling us.. and continuing to be there for us. Even though we have our own lives, he will never stop being our Dad. He is the most humble, Loving, strong hearted, spiritual, independent man i know. I could write a whole novel on this man.. but i'm just gonna keep it simple and say that I am proud of him & there isn't anything i wouldn't do for him. Despite of what he had lost, he continues to fulfil his responsibility of what it means to be a Father.

He does not live for the material things in life but he lives for a much richer reason. To serve our heavenly father. The most simplest man yet so rich in heart.

I was going to wait for fathers day to write this post but everyday is a special occasion when it comes to this man.

Happy Monday =)

Sunday, 15 April 2012

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