Ray + Kay [Portrait Session]

A fun, fresh fabulous session with my sister Kayla & her partner Ray. This session was minutes before sunset which gave them a really nice glow. I really wanted to capture love in their own way and it came through in the photographs. We really had fun with this session which made them relaxed and confident in their poses.

Video Preview: Ray N Kay [All the way]

Thanks guys x

Saturday, 24 March 2012 Leave a comment

[New Editions] 2 the |canon| Family.

Ok. I bought 3 lenses from Adorama and it arrived yesterday but unknowingly i missed the fine print where it stated that i had to pay a custom fee. ugh! Gosh, they want more money?! I'm seriously thinking of selling some items in my house just to put food on the table. haha! Im just being dramatic. I didn't have the cash on me so my poor babies are sitting in a big warehouse somewhere needing a home. "Don't worry, mama's coming!" Hopefully they will arrive in mint condition. This is the first time i've bought something over the 'Thousand' dollar mark online and im a lil paranoid. I'm super excited about the new glass, the new edition to the family. Canon 85mm 1.8, 50mm 1.4 & 100mm Macro 2.8. Can't wait to try these babies out!

Since the post looks better with a photograph, here's one.

Peace ya'll x

Monday, 19 March 2012 Leave a comment

{Maggie + Ana} | Portrait Session

Had a Photographic tutorial with Alana Aston Photography a couple days ago. Met two beautiful girls Maggie and Ana. They were kind enough to smile and play with me for a little bit. Here are a few pictures taken at the park.

Ain't they just the cutest...

Friday, 16 March 2012 Leave a comment

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