It's not just the climb, It's the grind.

It's been a little while since my last post but life has been exciting and busy at the moment with pregnancy, doctors appointments, mommy duties, moving, second shooting, business branding, etc. & in the new year coming with the birth of my second son, family getting married and renewing my vows with my husband, 2013 is going to be amazing.

But the reason for the tittle of this post is because i came across and interesting/inspiring post by Jon Accuff - Wall street Journal best-selling author.

Title: Miley Cyrus was Wrong.

It’s not just the climb.
It’s the grind.
It’s the getting up while other people are sleeping.
It’s the checking your blog 100 times a day and realizing there’s not a single comment. And then writing again tomorrow. And the day after that.
It’s the walking by your TV and not letting it suck you in to find out who got the rose.
It’s the ignoring what you’d like to do because what you’d love to do needs your time.
It’s sucker punching Monday morning and starting your day before fear has a chance to find you.
It’s the swallowing your pride and playing the concert to nobody but the waitress.
It’s the filling out all the annoying paperwork it takes to turn your dream into a business.
It’s the 12,000 tweets.
It’s the asking people for help even though you’d like to pretend you’re too strong to need it.
It’s the realization that the scale isn’t your boss, it’s a tool. And if you didn’t hit your weight goal today, you’ll get back on the bike, back on the run, back on the steps, and hit it tomorrow.
It’s losing the client, losing the job, losing the opportunity, and realizing you didn’t lose your identity.
It’s getting back up.
It’s the 4 AM alarm clock to catch a shuttle to the airport.
It’s the measuring your success against your own actions, not the accomplishments of others.
It’s the remembering that hard work still beats 100% of the shortcuts everyone else thinks social media offers.
It’s the being willing to fail.
And fail.
And fail.
And fail.
And get better. Slower than you’d like. In increments smaller than you’d like, but better is better.
It’s the not being ashamed of your success or apologizing for the wins, but having the courage to celebrate them without stumbling into the land of arrogance.
It’s starting all over again every time the sun does.
Is it just the climb?
No. If you want to change your life and the world, it’s the grind.
Keep grinding.

I think everyone can relate to this post in someway wether your an entrepreneur or being a stay home mum, we are all grinding each day. We all have our circumstances, struggles and trials that we face day to day but somehow we find the will to wake up each morning fighting. As i read this post, as a passionate photographer starting out her business i could relate to most of what was said in the post. As a wife and a mother i could've added a few more to the list of what it's like for me to grind day to day and i'm sure anyone with a similar or different circumstance could add to their own list of what it is to grind day to day. 
This isn't a biggie but one of my struggles right now through pregnancy is mathematics! That's right, Math! It's not like i was a math magician or anything but the other day i went out with my family and my inlaws out to dinner one night and we decided to split the bill with my sister inlaw. As we processed the order at the counter and it was time to pay, i had a dumb and dumber moment. OMG, if you asked me what 1 + 1 equals to i'd probably say window!.. All jokes aside moral of the story is to keep grinding, keep climbing because we know that the journey is worth it.


Thursday, 13 September 2012

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